Reiki vs Chi Kung (Qi Gong)

Reiki History in Aikido chi kung and reiki

Reiki vs Chinese Chi Kung (Qi Gong)

Reiki vs Chinese Chi Kung (Qi Gong) What are the differences?

Reiki and Chi Kung (often written as “Qigong” or “Qi Gong”) are two ancient energy healing practices with roots in Japan and China, respectively. Both systems focus on harnessing and manipulating life force energy, known as “Ki” in Japanese (Reiki) and “Qi” (or Chi) in Chinese. Despite sharing common ground as energy healing modalities, they differ in their techniques, underlying philosophies, and practical applications. Below is a detailed comparison and contrast of Japanese Usui Reiki and Chinese Chi Kung.

Origins and Historical Background
Reiki (Usui Reiki)
  • Origin: Reiki was developed in Japan by Mikao Usui in the early 20th century. After experiencing a mystical revelation while meditating on Mount Kurama, Usui created a system of energy healing based on channeling universal life force energy.
  • Historical Context: Reiki’s origins are relatively modern, compared to Chi Kung, and reflect a blend of Japanese spiritual traditions, such as Tendai Buddhism, Shintoism, and Taoism. Usui Reiki has since spread globally and diversified into different branches, including Western Reiki.
Chi Kung (Qigong)
  • Origin: Chi Kung is a much older practice, with roots tracing back thousands of years to ancient China. It has connections to Taoism, Confucianism, and Chinese medicine.
  • Historical Context: Chi Kung evolved as a physical, mental, and spiritual discipline, often used to cultivate longevity, vitality, and spiritual enlightenment. It was a precursor to martial arts like Tai Chi and has been widely practiced by monks, martial artists, and medical practitioners for health and spiritual growth.
Concept of Life Force Energy
  • Energy Concept: In Reiki, the energy is referred to as “Ki,” which means life force energy. Practitioners believe that this energy is present in all living beings and that Reiki helps balance and harmonize it by channeling universal energy.
  • Source of Energy: Reiki practitioners act as conduits for universal life force energy, which flows through their hands to the recipient. The practitioner does not use their own energy but rather connects to an external, limitless source of Ki.
Chi Kung
  • Energy Concept: Chi, or Qi, is a broader concept in Chinese philosophy and medicine. It represents not only life force energy but also the fundamental force that animates the universe. Qi is believed to circulate through the body via meridians (energy pathways) and can be cultivated, controlled, and enhanced through practice.
  • Source of Energy: In Chi Kung, practitioners cultivate Qi from within their bodies and the environment, including the earth, air, and heavens. This energy is directed internally for self-healing, health maintenance, and sometimes externally for healing others.
Techniques and Practices
  • Technique: Reiki is primarily a hands-on healing practice. The practitioner places their hands either on or just above the recipient’s body, allowing energy to flow where it is needed most. The process is intuitive, and the practitioner does not “direct” energy consciously.
  • Levels of Practice: Usui Reiki is structured in a three-level system.
    • Level 1 focuses on self-healing and hands-on techniques.
    • Level 2 introduces symbols and distance healing, allowing the practitioner to channel Reiki without physical contact.
    • Level 3 (Master) enables the practitioner to teach and attune others to Reiki.
  • Focus: Reiki is centered on relaxation, stress reduction, and overall energetic balancing. It is non-invasive, and the recipient is mostly passive during the treatment.
Chi Kung
  • Technique: Chi Kung involves a combination of meditative practices, controlled breathing (Qi Breathing), body movements, and visualization techniques. Unlike Reiki, Chi Kung is an active practice requiring the practitioner to consciously cultivate, direct, and store energy.
  • Types of Practice: Chi Kung has various forms, each with a specific focus:
    • Medical Qigong focuses on healing the body and is integrated with Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).
    • Martial Qigong strengthens the body and improves focus and resilience in martial arts.
    • Spiritual Qigong aims at spiritual enlightenment and deep meditation.
  • Focus: Chi Kung aims to cultivate Qi within oneself for self-healing and vitality. It’s a discipline that balances mind, body, and spirit through mindful movements, postures, and breathing exercises.
Philosophical Underpinnings
  • Philosophy: Usui Reiki is influenced by Japanese spiritual beliefs. The practice promotes the idea that one can attune to universal energy to maintain harmony and balance. Reiki teachings emphasize the importance of mental and emotional calmness through its precepts, such as practicing kindness, not worrying, and being grateful.
  • Non-religious: Reiki is not aligned with any specific religion and is practiced by people from all backgrounds. While it draws on some Buddhist and Shinto principles, its focus is on universal healing rather than religious dogma.
Chi Kung
  • Philosophy: Chi Kung is deeply embedded in Taoist, Confucian, and Buddhist principles. It is based on the idea of harmony between humans and the universe, specifically the balance of Yin and Yang energies and the Five Elements theory from Traditional Chinese Medicine. Practitioners seek to align with the Tao, the natural flow of the universe.
  • Holistic: Chi Kung incorporates not only energy healing but also physical, mental, and spiritual cultivation. It is often part of a larger lifestyle approach that includes diet, moral behavior, and meditation. Chi Kung can be considered both a health practice and a path to spiritual enlightenment.
Applications and Benefits
  • Primary Application: Reiki is commonly used for stress reduction, relaxation, and emotional healing. It is also employed as a complementary therapy for pain relief, anxiety, and chronic illness.
  • Accessibility: Reiki is accessible to anyone and requires no special physical abilities. Sessions can be done in person or via distance healing.
  • Healing Approach: Reiki takes a passive approach to healing; the recipient lies down and allows the energy to flow where it is needed, making it deeply relaxing and rejuvenating.
Chi Kung
  • Primary Application: Chi Kung has a broader range of applications, from improving physical health, increasing vitality, and building strength to promoting mental clarity and emotional balance. It is often used as a form of preventive medicine and can also be integrated into martial arts training.
  • Physical Component: Chi Kung is a physical practice, involving standing postures, gentle movements, and breathing techniques. Some forms of Chi Kung can be quite physically demanding and require consistency and discipline.
  • Healing Approach: Chi Kung emphasizes self-healing and self-cultivation. The practitioner is actively engaged in their own healing process, learning to manipulate and cultivate their Qi for personal benefit.

While both Usui Reiki and Chi Kung are energy-based healing systems, they diverge in many ways. Reiki is a hands-on healing modality where the practitioner channels universal energy to the recipient, requiring little effort from the recipient themselves. It is gentle, passive, and can be practiced by anyone with the proper attunement. Chi Kung, on the other hand, is an active, dynamic practice that integrates body movements, breath control, and mental focus to cultivate and balance Qi. It has a wider scope, encompassing health, spiritual development, and even martial arts.

In summary, Reiki is more accessible to those looking for a simple, straightforward approach to energy healing, while Chi Kung offers a more comprehensive system for individuals seeking to cultivate their own energy and deepen their physical and spiritual practice. Both, however, offer profound benefits and have the potential to transform the lives of practitioners and recipients alike.


Mystical Power of the Heart

orange water droplet

Mystical Power of the Heart

Mystical power of the Heart. As a resident of Toronto, I’ve come to understand a common source of chronic discomfort and stress in our lives—an overwhelming fixation with living exclusively within the confines of our minds and thoughts. While the marvels of the mind certainly shouldn’t be undervalued, we must also recognize the impressive restorative capabilities that our hearts possess. It’s not just our self-perceptions and thoughts about our bodies that influence our health and welfare, but rather an amalgamation of our beliefs, definitions, emotions, and visualizations. The feelings we visualize act as the language of our cells. Consequently, feelings of power, health, and love can significantly enhance our health. Conversely, feelings of neglect, abandonment, or worthlessness can have the opposite effect. Therefore, the journey to healing often requires addressing emotional issues at the core of our discomfort.

The Restorative Potential of the Heart

Buried deep within our hearts are countless negative emotions and experiences, lodged in specific areas within this extraordinary organ. I discovered this truth several years ago during a medical intuitive reading for a client. I have since developed a transformative technique known as “Heart Clearing,” which blends the principles of neuroplasticity with the practice of energy healing. Throughout a Heart Clearing session, I assist individuals in exploring their hearts, enabling them to let go of old emotions, individuals, and experiences that no longer contribute to their wellbeing. Once the heart is thoroughly cleared, a deep connection can be established with chronic pain and illnesses, revealing the missing elements of the healing puzzle. Chronic pain and many diseases often materialize as unprocessed emotions of low self-esteem, guilt, shame, anger, abandonment, or a broad disconnection from the body.

Furthermore, the physical location of pain within the heart corresponds to our overall physical health, especially in relation to trauma. Many find it enlightening to uncover the degree to which they internalize pain from their interactions with others. For example, those who retain feelings of abandonment from a parent may unwittingly abandon themselves in various aspects. This pattern also applies to other emotions resulting from past interactions.

Our physical health is unquestionably linked to the love and happiness harbored in our hearts. However, negative emotions from past experiences often deprive us of this essential energy. By venturing into our hearts and actively eliminating pain, we can recover the capacity to lead a joyful life. The heart is meant to be open and full, much like a child’s, but tempered with the wisdom acquired throughout life. Embracing our happiness, curiosity, and passions draws us towards self-realization. The ultimate aim in life should be to accept our complete selves, deny nothing, and unleash our full potential.

energy healing session with Orion Mott

About Me

Orion Mott is a distinguished spiritual counselor, medical intuitive, concussion healer, trance channeler, Bio-Mechanical Specialist, BodyTalk practitioner, shamanic healer, martial artist, and Reiki Master based in Toronto. His primary focus is to empower individuals to accept their authentic selves. Orion regularly works with people dealing with cancer, chronic pain, ADHD, concussions, PTSD, mental illness, and various diseases. His broad range of skills and steadfast commitment to holistic healing establishes him as a beacon of hope and transformation within the Toronto community.

Embark on a transformative journey towards self-discovery and healing by utilizing the enigmatic strength of the heart with Orion Mott in Toronto. Experience the profound impact of Heart Clearing and tap into your inherent potential for joy, wellbeing, and self-realization. Let your heart guide you towards a life of empowerment and fulfillment as you unravel the hidden mysteries of your existence.

Destiny is a Funny Thing

man finds enlightenment in sky

Destiny is a Funny Thing

Destiny is a Funny Thing. For those who have taken a moment to read my biography on this website (, you’ll note that my childhood was far from ordinary. Various mentors, healers, spiritual guides, and shamans predicted that my life would be marked by a destiny as a prominent healer. Destiny, however, has a peculiar nature. While the concept of predestination can be intriguing, it often carries an undertone of restriction. Despite the prophecies, I held my belief in personal freedom steadfast, finding the idea of predestination somewhat stifling.

As I ventured into my twenties, I endeavored to fit in with societal norms – a decision I’d later regard as a mistake. During this period, I pursued studies in Kinesiology, Psychology, and Philosophy at university, followed sports, and worked as a personal trainer at a reputable fitness center in Toronto. In retrospect, it was a pursuit of a so-called “normal” life, aimed at satisfying my ego. For the majority of my early years, my ego reigned supreme, asserting its dominance. There was a sense of control over my life, a sense that was fleeting and illusory. The precipice of change was approaching, and I remained oblivious until it was too late.

Upon entering my thirties, a wave of irritability and dissatisfaction swept over me. Everything I once desired was now under scrutiny. I began to perceive myself as a target, with the feeling the attacks through the actions and behaviors of others. These negative experiences, which I unwittingly attracted, were a consequence of my resistance to embrace my extraordinary potential. Instead, I exerted tremendous energy to blend in with the ordinary. Looking back, the hardships I encountered served as alarm bells, warning me that I had strayed from my authentic self.


Gradually, the realization dawned on me that I was failing to lead the life I was intended to live. Despite having attained numerous goals, I couldn’t shake off the feeling that my life held more than what I was currently experiencing. I delved into BodyTalk and other healing methods to expand my horizons, although I viewed them as mere curiosities at the time. My exploration of the energy world resulted in a dichotomy within my circle of acquaintances. I experienced encouragement and support from some, while others, fearful of the unknown, expressed disapproval. I began to tread a dual path, selectively sharing my spiritual experiences while keeping others in the dark about these metaphysical concepts.

On the dawn of my fortieth birthday, I made a pivotal decision to live a heart-led life, trusting in the unfolding process and embracing my true self. It wasn’t long before I successfully bridged the gap between the person I was destined to be and the one I had been willing to accept. For years, I had been silently healing individuals, but it was at this juncture that I emerged from the spiritual shadows.

My life erupted in a multitude of directions. I evolved into a medical intuitive, a reiki master, a BodyTalk practitioner, a Bio-mechanical specialist, and a brain healer specializing in concussions, ADHD, and personality disorders. Soon after, I directed my skills towards heart clearing and emotional/spiritual counseling.

The trajectory of my life has been a fascinating journey – I began as a healer, distanced myself from it, only to rediscover it later in life. Indeed, destiny has a unique way of unfolding itself.”