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The Initial Session

I always prefer to meet people at my Toronto office for our first visit and spend between 90 to 120 minutes so that I can listen to your story, answer all of your questions, and together set some goals for your healing. The initial intake process requires a bit of discussion and so that we can navigate your session efficiently. I work with every part of you (mind, body, and spirit) to help shift you into the direction of your preferences.  Some common topics that will can be addressed are: physical healing, self-fulfillment, self-acceptance, and accepting others in your life.  Healing and empowerment can take on many forms.

In some cases, I am able to come to your location as long as my schedule allows travel. I ask that your space is quiet and appropriate for our work together. A phone session together over Skype/FaceTime might be important if you are on holidays and need to connect. I am dedicated to giving you my very best customer service possible.

Integrated Sessions combine one or more therapies together such as a Medical Intuitive Reading combined with a Reiki Treatment. Other people may choose a Spiritual Counselling or Heart Clearing session combined with BodyTalk therapy.  All therapies are available in combination except Concussion Healing which can only be purchased as a stand alone treatment.

Click the bottom link below. Most sessions are booked between 1.5 to 2 hours.  Some modality combinations require more time than others, so please contact me about setting up an Integrated Healing Session.

Larger packages are discounted for your convenience.


Integrated energy healing sessions with Orion Mott

Frequent Questions

Why Choose a Heart Clearing Session?

Heart Clearing sessions are the opposite of traditional talk therapy.  In a Heart Clearing session, people are brought into their own hearts to explore what needs to be adjusted.  Pain and negative events can be purged directly.

I have body pain and I don't know which session to book

In the case of diseases and body pain, it is always recommended to include a medical intuitive reading in the Integrated Session.

Do I need to be a spiritual person to have results?

No.  Although an open-minded person will absorb the information in the session faster, the point of this work is to bring you to a higher state of health and functionality.  This is about your empowerment.  Don’t expect psychic card readings and pendulums. 

How does an integrated session differ from a Reiki session?

Reiki is just one form of energy healing.  It is very popular and offers mainly anxiety relief just as a massage can reduce body pain.  True healing only occurs when the emotions or traumas are fully recognized and released.  Without this level of self-exploration, pain will seem to shift around the body but never fully heal.

Time session