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Heal Your Life


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Spiritual Counselling
Medical Intuitive
Energy Healer
Reiki Toronto
Brain Healer

Reiki Toronto Master Medical Intuitive and Concussion Healer

Orion Mott reiki master medical intuitive concussion healing and intuitive healer in Toronto

Orion Mott

Call (416) 801-0142

Orion Mott is a Reiki Toronto Master, Medical Intuitive, Spiritual Counselling, Concussion Therapy Practitioner, Bio-Mechanical Specialist, BodyTalk practitioner, Life Coach, Okinawan martial artist and Chinese healing arts teacher, Shamanic practitioner, and Personal Trainer based in Toronto.  He balances practical scientific knowledge with esoteric and intuitive abilities.  He is the founder of Energy Neuroplasticity for concussion healing and brain rebalancing.

Hello, I am a Reiki Master, Medical Intuitive, Concussion Healer, and I am passionate about using my knowledge of the healing arts to offer you a vast range of therapies. My ultimate goal is to guide you through the essential paradigm shift, that opens up the path to spiritual awakening. Based in the bustling city of Toronto, Canada, I offer my services both from my conveniently located office in Toronto and online, for those who can not make it in person.

Remember, you are a unique spark of the Divine, and it’s always my greatest pleasure to assist you in discovering your true essence. With my expertise spanning across Reiki Toronto Energy Healing, BodyTalk, Concussion Therapy, Spiritual Counselling, Deep Trance-Channeling, Life Coaching, Corrective Exercise, Medical Intuitive Readings, and Fat Loss Healing,

I’m here to help you reestablish that connection with your inner wisdom. Just click on the link above or navigate through the menu to learn more.

Your Inner World

The relationship that you have with yourself is the most important one you’ll ever nurture. Often, our chronic pain and diseases have emotional, physical, and energetic aspects rooted in our beliefs shaped by our experiences. Emotions, shaped by these beliefs, can lead to recurring themes such as issues of worth, guilt, abandonment, fear, anger, protection, loss, and grief. Recognizing these themes is a crucial step on the path of genuine healing.

There’s a world of techniques beyond a simple chakra balance that can assist you in finding your stability. Your brain, heart, and body all store valuable information about your health that can be accessed through spiritual counselling, energy healing, or medical intuitive readings.

To start this journey, I’d recommend a friendly phone call to chat about your goals or reading about an Integrated Healing Session that can include multiple modalities. Quite often, people opt for a two-hour session so that we can address various aspects of mind/body/spirit. Just click below and head over to the Sessions page to discover more about an Integrated Session.

"All pain is resistance to the natural self"
- Bashar


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Why hire a Reiki Master and Medical Intuitive?

Often, individuals seek my guidance at the onset or in the midst of significant life transitions. While the concept of change might seem agreeable at a cognitive level, true examination of barriers often necessitates a guide. Anxiety usually stems from living in the head, evading heart-felt emotions. Heart Clearing is an effective process where clients are guided to comprehend their own heart and eliminate blockages. This ethical approach empowers individuals to become adept at reading their own heart, leading some to even liken themselves to their personal medical intuitive, able to maintain their balance independently without the need for recurrent sessions.

Reiki therapy is a soothing modality that aims to reharmonize chakras through an intuitive energy healing method. BodyTalk therapy blends muscle testing and Kinesiology to chart the path towards rebalancing. Medical intuitive sessions offer one of the most direct approaches to intuitive health information. My ability to provide accurate medical intuitive readings has been honed through my BodyTalk and Reiki training, enabling me to “see” and “intuit” answers even before I could muscle test them. All I require is the client’s name, age, address, and permission to provide highly precise health readings. These medical intuitive readings can be integrated with trance channeling sessions to foster a comprehensive approach to energy healing.

Spiritual Counselling is something I have done my whole life.  As I have developed my intuitive gifts, the spiritual counselling has grown into either life coaching, which is focused on the future, or integrated healing which is about healing current issues related to the past.  Emotional issues where I can provide substantial assistance include anxiety, guilt, fear, self-directed or outward anger, feeling blocked, feelings related to abuse/victimization, self or other abandonment, mental illnesses, low self-esteem, and depression.

I have created Energy Neuroplasticity which I use for concussion therapy and other brain related disorders.  Concussion therapy has also evolved into helping people with ADHD learn how to access various parts of the brain that they have not discovered yet.  I also have proficiency in addressing physical brain disorders such as learning disabilities, concussions, ADHD, early-stage emotion-related cancer, chronic pain, body tension, physical/emotional scars, and more.

My clientele spans across professional athletes, celebrities, struggling teenagers, actors, artists, writers, doctors, and other healer/therapists. Each individual approaches with a specific focus on what they need to discover within themselves, and I aid them in finding those answers.

With a background rich in spiritual experience that spans most of my life, key trainings include a Blackbelt in Uechi-Ryu Karate-Do, Usui Reiki Master certification, Ace certified Personal Trainer, Zen meditation practitioner, Native Shamanism, Mindfulness Meditation, Bio-Mechanical Specialist, BodyTalk practitioner, Energy Neuroplasticity practitioner, 18 years of Medical Intuitive Readings, Trance-Channeling, Spiritual Counselling and more.

Growing up in a family deeply rooted in martial arts and energy healing, I was fortunate to have access to numerous exceptional teachers and mentors from a young age. This diverse background enables me to customize each Integrated healing session to meet your specific needs.

Many individuals approach me for a straightforward Reiki healing session, only to discover that I prefer to amalgamate this with a medical intuitive reading to offer them a more profound and personalized session. These sessions are available online or in person at my Toronto office.

Ready to book?

My Story

my meditation album

my spiritual podcast

Popular Energy Healing Sessions

Medical Intuitive Readings

Medical Intuitive Readings is a psychic scan or a remote viewing within a person’s body and accurate feedback about health and functions of organs and structures. Medical Intuitive readings can help you find the “why” in chronic body issues.

Integrated Healing Session

Ranging from 90min to 2 hours, this session can combine multiple healing modalities together.  This is very popular because it allows for enough time to truly get to the bottom of the issues.  Often people book this session to heal from deep emotional wounds or change the course of a disease.  These sessions are custom tailored for you. 


Concussion Therapy Session

Concussion Therapy (Energy Neuroplasticity) combines pineal activation with vectored consciousness to create profound change of affected brain structures.  This technique has helped many people regain their full ability back from a brain injury.  This is also helpful for concussions (both acute concussions and chronic concussion symptoms), TBI, memory issues, brain fog, and ADHD.  Energy Neuroplasticity was founded and trademarked by Orion.

Why Intuitive Therapy?

Non-Invasive therapy which compliments western medicine.

Down to Earth coaching without “spiritual dogma.”

You will learn inner access techniques to maintain your health.

Availability at a professional therapeutic Toronto setting, or online.

Two hour sessions come with a free 30 min follow-up at your discretion.

Energy Healer For You

Navigating the vast sea of reiki therapy healers in Toronto, revealed by a quick Google search, can be quite overwhelming. You’ll encounter a diverse spectrum, from psychics and angel card readers to Reiki Toronto masters and meditation guides. Finding the right person to guide you on your journey to healing can be a daunting task. As I embarked on my journey to become an energy healer, I too sought out mentors who could aid me in unveiling my inner answers. The individuals who truly inspired me were characterized by their joyfulness, finely honed awareness, and strong ethical core – traits I endeavor to incorporate into my own client sessions.

While one foot of mine treads the spiritual realm, the other is firmly rooted in my down-to-earth and tender-hearted demeanor. Each client I engage with brings forth a different facet of my training. Some clients may seek to explore their heart, aiming for emotional breakthroughs; others might utilize Energy Neuroplasticity to enhance their brain functionality. I strive to approach each session with an openness that fosters uniqueness in every moment. Synchronicity unfolds most beautifully when freed from the shackles of expectation.

You are destined to be uniquely you. It brings me immense joy to empower you on your journey, be it healing past trauma or providing spiritual coaching for the future. Together, let’s discover and clear the obstructions that hinder the authentic expression of YOU!

Workshop & Events Newsletter

Types of Reiki Toronto Office Healing or Online

group events with reiki and shamanism near me in Toronto, Ontario

Traditional Reiki Therapy

Traditional Japanese Usui Reiki therapy treatments are silent and relaxing.  Some people feel this is like an energy massage.  This is the most common type of Reiki session. Best results are found at my reiki Toronto office

Chakra Balancing

Chakra Balancing use a combination of crystals and semi-precious stones with energetic Reiki therapy adjustments.  This can be added to either a traditional or modern Reiki session.

Modern Reiki Healing

Modern Reiki therapy is a combination of both the healer and client working together to make energy adjustments.  This is where energy healing practices are move towards.  This kind of Reiki is known for lasting effects from clients becoming consciously in charge of their healing.

Energy Healing Integrated Sessions

Frequent Questions

Why Choose a Heart Clearing Session?

Heart Clearing sessions are the opposite of traditional talk therapy.  In a Heart Clearing session, people are brought into their own hearts to explore what needs to be adjusted.  Pain and negative events can be purged directly.

I have body pain and I don't know which session to book

In the case of diseases and body pain, it is always recommended to include a medical intuitive reading in the Integrated Session.

Do I need to be a spiritual person to have results?

No.  Although an open-minded person will absorb the information in the session faster, the point of this work is to bring you to a higher state of health and functionality.  This is about your empowerment.  Don’t expect psychic card readings and pendulums. 

How does an integrated session differ from a Reiki session?

Reiki therapy is just one form of energy healing.  It is very popular and offers mainly anxiety relief just as a massage can reduce body pain.  True healing only occurs when the emotions or traumas are fully recognized and released.  Without this level of self-exploration, pain will seem to shift around the body but never fully heal.  This can be accomplished Online or at the Toronto office.

Where are you located?

Although I do offer sessions at your location or online, you can visit me a Shape Health and Wellness 35 Coldwater Rd, North York, Ontario, M3B 1Y8.  I prefer to receive text messages directly to my phone (416) 801-0142, but you can also email me

Kind Words from Clients


***All Services are available either online or a the Toronto Wellness clinic in North York, Ontario. Concussion Therapy/Concussion healing (Energy Neuroplasticity) is only available in person. If you require Orion to fly out to your City for treatment, please contact him via the contact page.***

reiki Toronto, concussion therapy Toronto, spiritual counselling Toronto, spiritual life coach Toronto

contact me for reiki Toronto, spiritual counselling or concussion therapy