Emotional Pain in the Joints

trance channel and medical intuitive reading

Emotional Pain in the Joints

Emotional pain in the joints. It is often the case that a new client will walk into my office, seeking a Reiki session to help them find some solace from the relentless strain that anxiety imposes on their body, mind, and spirit. They come with a hope to find a way to relax and alleviate the distress they are feeling. As part of the comprehensive intake process that I follow, I delve into a series of questions designed to pinpoint and understand their emotional imbalance. This investigative approach enables me to focus on the core issue that the client might be dealing with. It is noteworthy that emotional pain can, and often does, correspond to a specific part of the body.

To illustrate this correlation, consider these examples: fear tends to manifest in the knees, decision-making struggles are often felt in the ankles, pressures stemming from ego can appear in the elbows, and the spine often symbolizes our need for support. Furthermore, the neck is generally associated with one’s willpower, while the shoulders bear the weight of our burdens.

Imagine a scenario where an individual comes to me with a persistent back issue. Through the course of our conversation, it is revealed that they are in a relationship in which they feel a distinct lack of support – this could be emotional, financial, material, or any other form of support. Despite numerous chiropractic treatments, massages, or sessions of physical therapy, the pain seems to persist and always comes back. As we delve into this discussion, I strive to understand the many layers associated with the pain they are trying to alleviate. This deep level of understanding is crucial because the treatment has to be tailor-made to suit the cause. A physical pain arising from a physical cause will heal through physical means, whereas emotional pain in joints necessitates an emotional approach to healing. As we delve deeper into the conversation, the path to treatment begins to unravel.

In our early years, as children, we are naturally equipped with a mechanism to recover from all kinds of pain – we cry. This natural, instinctive response isn’t always required or appropriate in adulthood. Don’t misunderstand me, crying is a powerful release when certain issues or memories come rushing back into focus. I employ techniques that are best suited to each individual case – this could range from the Active Memory Technique from BodyTalk, yogic breathing techniques, to Ho’oponopono from Hawaiian Kahuna practice. The specific therapy used is not as important as the fact that the mind and the heart have made some effort towards healing. I often refer to this as a “permission slip”, borrowing the term from one of my esteemed gurus. Emotional individuals might express themselves through tears, intellectuals often need to engage in discussion and reason, and kinesthetic individuals might require a reassuring hug. We are all unique blends of these personality types.

Unprocessed emotions, those that we fail to address and resolve, can create a certain heaviness and density that is stored in specific areas of our bodies. It’s not surprising that many chronic diseases have been linked to this phenomenon. Various healing modalities, such as Heart Clearing and Trance Channeling, can help alleviate this emotional density from the body. The emotional heart has an extraordinary capacity to heal and forgive almost anything, provided we trust it to serve as a release mechanism. Regardless of the experiences we’ve endured, the heart’s rhythm continues, underscoring its strength and resilience.”

Kundalini, Reiki, and Innate

chakra healing and balancing

Kundalini, Reiki, and Innate

Kundalini, Reiki, and Innate. In the realm of energy healing and spiritual consciousness, I’ve frequently been asked during my workshops about the difference between Reiki energy and Kundalini energy. This piques interest as we navigate the complex and diverse world of energies that exist both within and around our bodies. Let’s embark on a journey of understanding these energies, their origins, and their unique roles in our overall well-being.

Our existence is a constellation of various energy bodies that work in harmony to maintain our overall health and consciousness. These include the tangible physical body, the mental body responsible for thoughts and cognition, the emotional body that carries our feelings, the psychic body linked to our intuitive abilities, the innate body consciousness, the Kundalini which is electromagnetic in nature, and the shamanic or dream body associated with spiritual experiences and altered states of consciousness.

In my experience, I’ve noticed that Reiki energy therapy primarily connects with the psychic body, the physical body, and the mental body. This doesn’t necessarily mean that Kundalini energy is entirely disconnected from Reiki, but there is a distinct difference in their origins and pathways. Kundalini energy generally flows from within the physical body, while Reiki energy is derived and channeled from an external source. Similarly, the electromagnetic field of the innate body is an internally derived system.

BodyTalk therapy and intuititive healing and Reiki
Intuitive Reiki Energy

Reiki Energy

Reiki energy healing is based on the principle of tapping into a source field, a high-frequency reservoir of healing energy. Practitioners open themselves up to this field, acting as conduits to channel this energy to themselves or others. This energy can have a profound uplifting effect on both the practitioner and the recipient. For those struggling with issues like fear and anxiety, or emotional traumas trapped within the body, Reiki can provide significant relief and promote healing.

Kundalini Energy

Kundalini energy, on the other hand, is often associated with tantric sexual practices which focus on raising sexual energies up the spine. The ultimate goal is to stimulate the pineal gland, enhancing awareness, and then direct this energy to the heart, fostering a sense of unity with a partner. Kundalini energy originates in the prostate for men and the G-spot for women, what I refer to as the Lower Pineal gland. This gland generates an electrical excitement energy that typically drives the desire for sexual release. If this release is denied or controlled, this energy ascends up the spine, causing each vertebra to resonate like piano keys. The harmonious vibration of the spine, along with the rising energy, reaches the brainstem, directly connecting with the pineal gland. The spine, in this state, functions somewhat like an antenna for energy, capable of both drawing in and emitting energy.

As the pineal gland becomes stimulated, perceptual awareness amplifies significantly. When the pineal gland is activated in the presence of a partner whose pineal gland is also activated, the energetic awareness descends to the heart and is perceived as love.

The Innate

The innate energy field is a fascinating aspect of our energy body. It exists within a radius of 6 to 12 inches from our physical body and is the cumulative energy generated by our DNA cells. Access to this field is possible through the heart, the pineal gland, or the lower pineal gland. The innate is a closed system that, while responsive to our words and feelings, operates according to its unique blueprint in our lives. It’s also linked to our aging process; hence, in rejuvenating or “youthing” practices, it is crucial to tap into the innate energy to influence the health of our DNA.

These intriguing subjects form the core of my Energy Activation Seminars, where we delve deeper into understanding and harnessing these diverse energies for personal growth, healing, and spiritual enlightenment.

Evolution of Reiki

Reiki History in Aikido chi kung and reiki

Evolution Of Reiki

history of Usui reiki

Mikao Usui: Reiki Founder

Evolution of Reiki.  Reiki, a remarkable modality of energy healing, continues to reveal its profound depths as I delve deeper into my practice as a Reiki master in Toronto. Integrating my experiences and knowledge from various disciplines has enriched the practice of Reiki, expanding its range and efficacy. Many Reiki practitioners might not be aware that the roots of Reiki can be traced back to the Japanese martial art Aikido, a connection that has significantly shaped my approach to energy healing.

Aikido’s Influence on Reiki
Aikido, popularized in North America largely due to actor Steven Segal’s efforts, serves as a fascinating backdrop for understanding Reiki. In 1988, Steven Segal starred in a semi-autobiographical film titled “Above The Law,” where he depicted observing an Aikido master effortlessly displacing opponents. The principles of Aikido heavily rest on a spiritual practice of grounding oneself and skillfully directing and counteracting energy through fluid movement and deftly pivoting force.

From Martial Arts to Healing
These core principles of Aikido have enriched my Reiki practice, intertwining with the martial arts training I’ve undertaken. The heightened attention and sharp awareness honed in martial arts competitions have been instrumental in enhancing my energy consciousness in Reiki. One key aspect of this is the practice of grounding to the Earth before commencing a Reiki treatment. This grounding has served as a protective shield, preventing me from being consumed by the energetic manifestations of individuals’ issues during healing sessions. Grounding, I’ve found, is a harmonious blend of energetic alignment and mental focus. The mind must maintain a state of tranquility and balance, enabling the practitioner to receive and interpret subtle energetic impressions effectively.

Energy Flow in Aikido and Reiki
Another critical consciousness that my martial arts background has nurtured is the sense of energy flow. Aikido places significant emphasis on the flow of energy through movement. This concept has permeated my daily life, influencing how I perceive and interact with my environment. I’ve learned to honor the unique nature of every moment, embracing its transience and the lessons it brings. A true master healer, in my belief, never sees their training as complete. Every moment brims with the potential for love and growth, a philosophy I consistently promote in my spiritual mentorship practice.

The Power of Love
Encouraging people to discover love, even amidst stressful events, forms a key aspect of my guidance. Love can manifest in various ways—it can be a form of self-preservation, or it could be about safeguarding loved ones. But the most courageous application of love lies in deciphering the energy behind stressful events and individuals acting out of integrity. Extracting even a sliver of love from these challenging circumstances can be transformative, providing you with a personal pivot point in both healing and life. This understanding is akin to uncovering a hidden fulcrum, a point of leverage that can turn adversity into growth, imbuing healing and life with a newfound sense of resilience and purpose.

Energy healing Toronto, Reiki therapy Toronto, Reiki practitioners in Toronto, Reiki healing sessions, Reiki master Toronto, Holistic healing, Energy therapy, Reiki treatment, Reiki healing center, Alternative healing Toronto, Reiki classes, Spiritual healing, Reiki wellness, Reiki energy work, Reiki services.